About Us

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Here's what we're doing to advance public transit in Guelph.

As an organization, TAAG will benefit those using public transit by providing a Collective Voice in ensuring that members know their voice is going to be heard by those in charge. Information Sharing by raising awareness about transit issues in Guelph. Focused Campaigns on ways to improve transit infrastructure and service for all riders. Community Building with other like-minded organizations, community groups, transit riders, and regular citizens.


Advocacy Priorities

We create an opportunity to reach business potential

The key to a solid, competitive, and reliable transit network is frequency, accessibility, and affordability. These are the three advocacy priorities of Transit Action Alliance Guelph.

Frequency equals Freedom

High-frequency service means buses arrive at stops more often leading to shorter waits at every point on your transit trip, including transfers. Reliable service makes spontaneous trips on transit easier.

Simple direct routes with ease of connections to your destination. Higher frequency service has the largest impact on ridership.

Affordability - make it "fare"

An affordable system makes it fair which increases ridership, protects the environment, enhances the quality of life, supports economic development, builds a healthier community, and accommodates future growth.

In order for transit to compete with other modes of transportation, it must be appropriately priced for the level of service it provides.

Accessibility - near homes and amenities

To be useful, transit must make it easy for riders to access bus routes from their homes and provide convenient service to the destination riders want to go.

To be accessible, sidewalks to bus stops and stations must be a high priority for snow clearing, and stops should have proper amenities such as shelters and lighting.

Our Partners

Collaborating with Community Organizations

Our Team

Meet the board

Our team of directors and advisors.

Steven Petric
Eric Unger
Mary Ann Burrows
Yvette T.
Barbara S.
Nicholas K.
Adrian S.